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myCulture connects art lovers with artists' artworks.webp

Maximize Your Art's Impact with myCulture

Leverage our platform to amplify your visibility, promote your exhibitions, and engage with a thriving community of art enthusiasts.

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myCulture is your platform for the modern art world. As an artist, you can present your work directly to a passionate art community. Join our growing network and take advantage of features specifically designed to help artists like you gain more visibility and promote your exhibitions to a wider audience.

The Challenges Artists Face Today

Navigating the contemporary art landscape can be challenging, especially for emerging artists who need to stand out in an increasingly competitive and digitalized world:


Limited Visibility

Without the right platform, many artists find it difficult to reach a broader audience, especially beyond their immediate circle.


Inadequate Promotion

Traditional promotion methods often fail to capture the attention of a digitally-savvy audience, leaving artists underrepresented.

Lack of Digital Presence

As the art world shifts online, artists without a strong digital presence risk being overshadowed by those who have embraced digital tools.



myCulture addresses these challenges by providing artists with a platform that amplifies their visibility, promotes their exhibitions, and helps them connect with a broader audience of art enthusiasts.

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Empower Your Art with myCulture's Tailored Solutions

Our platform offers a comprehensive solution for artists to boost their visibility, promote their exhibitions, and connect with a vibrant community of art lovers.

Benefits for Artists

Expanded Reach

Present your art to an audience of passionate art lovers, designed to help you extend your visibility beyond traditional boundaries.

Spark Curiosity

Showcase selected artworks in the app to spark interest and curiosity without revealing too much—perfect for enticing art lovers to discover more.

More Visitors

Drive more visitors to your exhibitions with targeted promotion tools that connect you with those eager to discover new art.

Serious Online Profile

Establish a strong online presence that mirrors the quality of your work, ensuring you're recognized in both, the online and offline art space.

Join the Community

Become part of a thriving community of art enthusiasts and professionals, opening doors to new opportunities and connections.

Stay Relevant

Keep your community updated on your latest exhibitions and exclusive events – directly on their smartphones.
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Exclusive Opportunity for Artists: Join Our Pilot Project

We’re inviting innovative artists to apply for our pilot project. Get early access to the myCulture platform, promote your exhibitions for free until the end of the year, and showcase your art to a growing community of art lovers.

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What Awaits You in the Pilot Project?

Free Access

Explore the platform's full potential without any financial risk, allowing you to experience all the benefits for free until the end of the year.

Maximum Visibility

Take advantage of our promotional efforts focused on highlighting early participants, increasing your exposure.

Direct Support

Benefit from our personalized onboarding process and continuous support to get the most out of the platform.

Shape the Future

Your feedback will help us refine the platform, giving you a voice in how we develop features that benefit artists.

Application Deadline: 30th September 2024

Seize this opportunity and apply by September 30, 2024, to be part of this unique opportunity. Showcase your art to a broader audience and take your career to the next level.

Thank you for your application!

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